W.D. & H.O. Wills
Wild Flowers (2nd)
Stock ID: 0XK
Full set of 50 vintage cigarette cards.
Size: | standard (10 per page). |
Condition: |
Price: | £ 1.00 |
Year of issue: |
1937 |
Category: |
Plants > Flowers |
This series consists of the following subjects:
- 1. Wood Anemone
- 2. Water Crowfoot
- 3. Goldilocks
- 4. Yellow Water-Lily
- 5. Common Fumitory
- 6. Wallflower
- 7. Rock-Rose
- 8. Heath Milkwort
- 9. Maiden Pink
- 10. Purple Clover
- 11. Bird’s-Foot Trefoil
- 12. Meadow-Sweet
- 13. Barren Strawberry
- 14. Agrimony
- 15. Bramble
- 16. Purple Loosestrife
- 17. Enchanter’s Nightshade
- 18. Wall Pennywort
- 19. Hedge Parsley
- 20. Lady’s Bedstraw
- 21. Teasel
- 22. Butterbur
- 23. Ox-Eye Daisy
- 24. Carline Thistle
- 25. Dandelion
- 26. Harebell
- 27. Common Heath
- 28. Cross-Leaved Heath
- 29. Centaury
- 30. Felwort
- 31. Buckbean
- 32. Comfrey
- 33. Viper’s Bugloss
- 34. Great Mullein
- 35. Foxglove
- 36. Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
- 37. Yellow Rattle
- 38. Eyebright
- 39. Wild Thyme
- 40. Self-Heal
- 41. Hedge Woundwort
- 42. Bugle
- 43. Rock Sea-Lavender
- 44. Sorrell
- 45. Spotted Persicaria
- 46. Sun Spurge
- 47. Arrowhead
- 48. Bog Asphodel
- 49. Fragrant Orchis
- 50. Bee Orchis
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